
Our vendors: Dejan (Kralji Ulice, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

By Dejan, Kralji Ulice

My name is Dejan and I’m 53. I’m unemployed at the moment. At my age, it’s hard to get a regular job, that’s why I sell street papers.

I’m not homeless: I have a rented room. My standard of living is – thanks to the street paper – better. I used to work in food delivery, but also in a few different kitchens, because I enjoy cooking – and, of course, I enjoy eating as well!

I’m a communicative guy, and I like to meet new people. I talk to everyone, so selling Kralji Ulice is the perfect occupation for me. The best thing about it is that I can be my own boss, deciding when during the day I’m going to sell the paper, and for how long.

I’m independent, and I don’t need to argue with anybody, especially (almost always) annoying bosses!

My motto is: “Optimism is the best way to achieve your goal.”