
Vendor wishes: “I wish for peace in people’s hearts”

Today for our vendor wishes series, we’re in Portland, USA with Eileen and Mike. The two Street Roots vendors are both calling on the government to tackle affordable housing.

By Eileen V and Mike Lang, who sell Street Roots in Portland, Oregon, USA

Eileen V, 55 

In 2017, I wish for peace in people’s hearts. This time next year, I’d like to be working full time to get out of SRO (Single Room Occupancy) Housing. I think the government should stop renovating buildings for the rich and make them into affordable housing.

I’d like to tell street paper readers that to us, selling Street Roots is a job. Don’t judge us. Instead, respect us, because we are all only one paycheck away from homelessness.

Mike Lang, 54

My wish for 2017 is to gain a full time job and housing. To tackle homelessness in the next year, the government could put a cap on rent and have lower prices for rent.

To my customers, I’d say, you don’t know what you’re missing unless you actually read the paper.