
Vendor wishes: “Better health, more money, and a house”

In the last weeks of 2016, INSP has spoken to many of our vendors worldwide to gather their hopes and fears for the coming year. You can read all their stories here. Today, we meet Robert and Vicki in Downtown Dallas.

By Robert and Vicki, who both sell StreetZine in Downtown Dallas, USA

Robert, 56

My wish for 2017 is to get a job and have my own place. My fear is panhandlers – they ruin our business. My message to my customers for the new year is: keep reading!

Vicki, 64

My wishes are better health, more money, and a house. I hope the government will provide more shelters and more programmes to end homelessness. My fears about 2017 are that I won’t have enough health insurance; and there will be more violence (everywhere). This time next year I’d like to be in our new home and still selling StreetZine. Keep hoping and praying for a better life and a better world. Never give up!

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