
Vendor wishes: “In 2017, I wish for a second child and good health”

From the streets of Thessaloniki to downtown Dallas, more than 27,000 people facing homelessness and unemployment earned an income by selling their local street paper in 2016. As the year comes to a close, they told INSP about their hopes and fears for 2017. Each day until the new year, we’ll be sharing their thoughts and personal stories. Today, Salzburg vendor Elena writes that she wants a better life for her son.

By Elena Onica, 34, who sells Apropos in Salzburg, Austria

In 2017, I wish for a second child and good health. My son David is currently living with his grandparents in Romania in very cramped conditions while I sell the street paper in Salzburg. I would really like him to have a better life.

In the next year, I think the government should make more small and affordable flats available so that I – and others in a similar situation – can remain and work in Salzburg and have insurance.

Apropos is my paper, my job and I wish for the sales to continue going so well. Every month, the paper is interesting and us vendors are always given space, too. In March 2013, for example, the paper featured a full interview with me.

My fear for 2017 is that I will get ill and have problems with my thyroid gland again. And that the winter will be very cold (I sleep in my car when I’m selling papers in Salzburg).

This time next year I want to be here in Salzburg. Next year, I also want to stay in Salzburg during December and into the new year and continue to sell papers.

I would like to thank all of those who helped me so much over the past year: my bosses, the readers who always buy the paper from me, the German teachers and doctors, and everyone else. I wish them all the best, good health and a fantastic new year.

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