
Vendor moments 2017: “I am no longer afraid”

Gustavo Alberto Maciel Martínez, 46, is a Factor S vendor in Montevideo city centre, Uruguay

The most memorable moment in 2017 was going back home for 2 months, seeing my mother and knowing that she’s well. It was also getting near my birthday and spending it at home and with my mother was really good.

I am most proud of overcoming my fears. I felt very alone and I was really losing hope. Now, thanks to a lot of people that helped me, I’m excited to continue bettering myself. I am no longer afraid.

I am surprised that humanity still has a chance (laughs). Meaning that last year and part of this one I happened to meet people who helped me a lot and I started to connect with society again. Because of this I think that so long as there are people who think of others, humanity has a chance.

Starting my education again and going back to work as a sailor was a challenge this year

In the new year, I am most looking forward to going home. Definitely.