
Vendor moments 2017: “Just every day of 2017 was memorable”

Paulette Bade, 69, sells the street paper Street Roots, at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Portland, USA

Just every day of 2017 was memorable. Meeting all the good people I meet. I have quite a few regulars. That helps. We talk about their jobs, how I’m doing and about my kitty cat, P.K. Stuff like that.

I’m proudest of not being homeless anymore. I live in Park Towers. I’ve been there three years ago. I was homeless when I got in there.

Credit: Julia Reihs

It’s a surprise at my age waking up every day, taking care of my kitty and still being able to work. I like selling. And now I’ve got this church on Sundays thanks to Cole. It’s close to home, 2 blocks, so that helps.

My challenge was when my kitty P.K. – she got sick. The guy that had her kind of made her scared of people and she went into what they call a kitty stroke. Her mind wanted to die but her body wanted to live. It was a toss-up. And she’s doing real good now.

In 2018, I’m looking forward to meeting more good people, being able to save more money. I want to get my health back in order again. When you get older, a lot of things go wrong.

Everybody’s great here that I talk to and I have a couple regulars that are really nice and sweet.