
Vendor moments 2017: “I went through a lot in the past year. That was the challenge and I won. I beat that battle”

Sherika Sanders, 40, is a One Step Away vendor in Philadelphia, USA

My most memorable moment of 2017 was being introduced to One Step Away. I am proud to have moved to Philadelphia and become a vendor. I’m surprised at how well I have done selling the paper. I don’t usually sell – my career so far has been very different from this. I’ve been a home health aid most of my life, so selling is something new to me. I didn’t know I could be good at it, but it turned out I was okay at it! In the new year, I’m looking forward to having better finances and more stability.

Brian Belcher, 39, also sells One Step Away in Philadelphia

Last month I was able to save somebody’s life, that was a special moment to me. He was a senior citizen who had just just come out of the hospital, and was sitting on the ground. He had problems breathing. He looked over-medicated, so I checked his temperature, took his pulse, and called an ambulance. He went back to the hospital. It was the love in my heart that allowed me to save another person. I’m out there trying to help people, and I actually saved a life.

I’m most proud of being clean and sober for six months. I’ve had clean times in the past, but this time, it’s serious. I’m not going back to drinking no more, cause this time I’m done.

The surprise of the year was the positive change in my life from just going through the process of getting my life in order. In the past year, after the loss of my grandmother and my father, and the emotional distress of the things that I went through, I went through a lot in the past year. That was the challenge and I won. I beat that battle.

I overcame my drinking by going through rehabilitation for about six weeks, and when I came out of that, I didn’t turn back. I got back to who I am and what I do, and just moved through things.

Next year I hope to be living a better life. My life ain’t bad, but I’m looking forward to better living!