
Vendor moments 2017: “My heart was filled with pride, I felt heard, grateful and honoured to be part of it all”

Isaias Vazquez Estrada, 66, sells Mi Valedor next to the Angel of Independence monument in Mexico City

A couple of days ago I got the opportunity to present a magazine project in front of a big audience, it caught me out of surprise because I didn’t know I was going to be invited to the stand and talk about my experience to all of this people. My heart was filled with pride, I felt heard, grateful and honoured to be part of it all.

I was very proud when I completed a whole year being an official vendor for Mi Valedor, to be able to gain a living with hard work for a year makes me very proud.

When Ricardo Raphael, a famous TV journalist, came to Mi Valedor and sat with us for a conversation, it was a big surprise. We sang and talked about our lives and experiences with him, I was sitting next to him. He interviewed us and we were featured on TV. After that happened, people on the streets were telling me they recognised me from the show, it was a very pretty surprise.

This year I’ve been struggling with my knee, it hurts and it keeps me from walking properly and with out pain so I have to use a cane.

I’ve been saving money so I’ve been paying a private doctor to help me out with the pain and the treatment I need, and also saving money so I can afford my medicine and be better at taking care of myself, it’s important.

I want to continue working here, I love my job and I’m excited to get better at my selling. Also, I am very keen on all the knowledge we will get from the workshops that we have at Mi Valedor, I enjoy learning new things.