
Trott-war’s German Conversation Circle participants practice their German to contribute to INSP’s #VendorLetters series

INSP has been asking vendors from across the street paper network to write letters to their 25-year-old self to mark the end of INSP’s 25th anniversary year. As always, vendors of all ages and origins from Trott-war were keen to contribute to our end-of-year series in numbers.

Carmine Verna

I turned 25 in 1992. My life changed that year. That was when I was beaten up in a car park in Murrhardt. The friend who did it later took his own life in prison. I was unconscious for six weeks and when I woke up, I’d forgotten everything. It was difficult, and I had a lot of anger. After that I was in different clinics.

I’m doing fine today so far. My god-daughter and my wife support me.

Trott-war vendor Carmine Verna

Trott-war, which also turned 25 this year, has vendors which attend its German Conversation Circle in Suttgart, a chance for vendors originally from other countries to practice their German. The following vendors spoke about what they were like at 25 years old at a recent meeting and compiled their answers with the help of their classmates and two volunteer teachers. All the respondents, apart from Rosalina, travel between Germany and Slovakia every 14 days to sell the street paper.

Natalia Dankova (35)

When I was 25, I lived with my husband in Hodejov, Slovakia. My childhood dream was to become a lawyer, but I had a lot of health issues. So, my dream didn’t come true. Today I work as a vendor for Trott-war with my husband. I would like to find a permanent job in Germany, that would make me happy.

Trott-war vendor Natalia Dankova

Dezider Kalocsai (39)

When I was 25 years old, I worked as a street cleaner at home in Slovakia. It was a type of “mini job” that was given to me by the local authority because I was unemployed. Originally, I wanted to become a bus driver, but I didn’t have enough money for a driving license. I’m doing better today. I can sell street papers. I dream of having a flat for me, my wife, and my two children. We’re all living with my mother-in-law right now.

Trott-war vendor Dezider Kalocsai

Terezia Balogova (27)

I looked after my two daughters for two years in Slovakia. At the time, they were five and one. My husband, my children, and I lived with my mother in law. Today, I sell street papers and I’d like to have regulated, socially secure work in Germany. For example, I could work as a cleaner or kitchen assistant. I definitely want to learn more German.

Trott-war vendor Terezia Balogova

Gabriel Rusznyak (20)

When I’m 25, I would like to find a good job, a nice wife, a nice flat, and a nice car (laughs). I did a three-year long traineeship with a car mechanic in Rimavská Sobota. I want to work in Germany, but before that I want to learn more German because it’s difficult to find work without speaking the language.

Trott-war vendor Gabriel Rusznyak

Rosalina Ivanciu (58)

When I was 25, I lived in Constanța, Romania. I already had three small children, and the other one came later. I came to Germany five years ago and looked for a job. Romania is a disaster; there’s no work, no apartments. Now I sell Trott-war and I have found a flat. Unfortunately, I’m ill quite a lot. I was in hospital with suspected cancer. Luckily, it turned out it wasn’t. I suffer a lot from fluctuating blood pressure, and often have back pains. My meniscus is damaged, and I have to take a lot of tablets. But I like being in Germany.

Trott-war vendor Rosalina Ivanciu

Translated from German by Catherine Castling.

Check back in every day over the festive period for more #VendorLetters.

INSP members can download the #VendorLetters feature on the INSP News Service.