Lee: sweden

Faktum vendor Anita’s reflections on life

Anita Rinkovec’s life has been a journey through many forms of darkness. She is a survivor of sexual and psychological abuse, addiction and numerous suicide attempts and has outlived three of her four children. Now, aged 79, she has found meaning and enjoyment in life and thrives on her work as a Faktum vendor. Here, she talks about moving through the darkness and about the light she has discovered in the twilight of her life.

WATCH: INSP and street paper staff discuss their work and its impact on panel hosted by Society of Professional Journalists

‘Empowering The Poor: Street Newspapers and their Global Impact’ was panel hosted by the Society of Journalists on Wednesday 18 August. Moderated by founder of Real Change and INSP board member Tim Harris, the discussion included members of staff from INSP and its associated member publications. Watch the panel again here.

Street papers provide global update on how the world’s homeless population is facing the coronavirus

The Big Issue took stock of how coronavirus is affecting the world’s homeless community, providing another update on just how severely the spread of the virus is impacting street papers and the people for which they provide an income.

#VendorLetters: For Faktum vendor Lars, his faith brings him “hope and joy”

To mark the end of INSP’s 25th anniversary year, we have been asking vendors across the street paper network to write a letter to their 25-year-old self. Faktum vendor Lars writes about how he finds strength in his faith and that he would tell his 25-year-old self to find a way to do the same.

Vendor City Guide: Gothenburg

The Big Issue has been reaching out to vendors across the street paper network to get the inside scoop on the cities they know best. This instalment features Faktum vendor Eija talking about Gothenburg.

Celebrating 37 years of love with a wedding

Last year, Swedish street paper Faktum wrote about two of its Malmö-based vendors, Birgitta and Vincent, who had decided that they would have a Las Vegas wedding. It was a portrait of two people, together for 37 years, who love each other deeply. They spoke about their relationship, their work as vendors and their excitement about their imminent nuptials.

INSP Vendor Playlist: Bernhard and Carlos (Faktum, Sweden)

This year we asked vendors: if you could give a song as a present this Christmas, what would you choose? The result was the INSP Vendor Playlist, which is now available for your listening pleasure. Faktum vendors Bernhard and Carlos talk about their distinctive choices.

Read Faktum’s award-winning feature on Me Too founder Tarana Burke

When Tarana Burke was six years old, she was raped by the son of her mother’s best friend. Ten years ago, the activist founded Me Too in order to support young black girls and, in 2017, the hashtag #metoo has become a buzzword around major parts of the world. Last night, at the 2018 INSP Awards, this piece was a double winner, grabbing Best News Feature, as well as being the recipient of the Special News Service Award for the most popular story among street papers. Now, you can read it in full.

Vendor moments 2017: “I am looking forward to pursuing my dreams”

Hristo’s year as a Faktum vendor, and Bulgarian immigrant, has been taken up by his quest to find steady work. Despite the bureaucratic obstacles put in front of him, Hristo remains optimistic.

For strong winds and harsh reality: Swedish street paper Situation Sthlm teams with Beckmans design school for new vendor jackets

In order to give its vendors an even better chance of being noticed on the busy streets of Stockholm, Swedish street paper Situation Sthlm worked with students at the city’s Beckmans College of Design to produce a stylish, noticeable and practical new jacket.

A strong voice for people in poverty: Gothenburg’s Faktum celebrates 15 years

Award-winning Swedish street paper Faktum turns 15 this month. We spoke to editor Sarah Britz to find out what the anniversary means to her – and to the magazine’s vendors.