Lee: hinzkunzt

October global street paper covers get scary

Between Halloween and Trump, there’s a frighteneing vibe on this month’s international street paper covers. Thank god for Street Cat Bob…

Our vendors: Aleksas (Hinz&Kunzt, Ahrensburg, Germany)

Aleksas’ life story is spread across Europe. Born in Lithuania, now living in Germany and with a son and daughter in England, the 58-year-old is finding a way to face his challenges.

Prophets of Rage to Bridget Jones – September street paper supporters

There’s support from big name stars featured on this month’s covers – but also stark reminders of why street papers are so necessary for homeless people.

Olympic fever gripped world’s street papers this August

August’s street paper covers have the Olympic spirit, featuring ‘cuddly lawnmowers’, a homeless wedding, Steven Spielberg, and a cheeky little bit of rickrolling.

Our vendors: Ion (Hinz&Kunzt, Hamburg, Germany)

Originally from Romania, Ion knows the waterways of Europe like the back of his hand, from years working on boats. He left his homeland due to corruption and heartbreak – but has found support in Germany from Hinz&Kunzt.

Hard-hitting, striking… phizz-whizzing: it’s June’s street paper covers

A gloriumptious look at the world of Roald Dahl, a red-haired mischief-maker, a mafia flower plot and Yanis Varoufakis at the INSP Summit… explore June’s street paper covers.