Lee: food-poverty

“I see opportunities for solutions”: The connections between food waste, homelessness, and COVID-19

Food waste and homelessness are often seen as two separate issues. However, there are many organizations across the United States working on solutions to both problems at once. Even with the difficulties of COVID-19, organizations are finding ways to help support the larger numbers of people needing food support by recovering significant amounts of food that would be wasted through shutdowns.

Founder of The Real Junk Food Project Adam Smith: “Just give me food and I’ll feed everyone”

After witnessing pigs being fed perfectly edible food that had been branded as waste while working on an Australian farm, Adam Smith returned to the UK to establish The Real Junk Food Project, the goal of which is to take food deemed inedible and cook it up into delicious meals, eradicating food waste in the process. At this year’s Global Street Paper Summit, Adam Smith told INSP about his plans to really feed the world.