
Our vendors: Anna Di Toma (Scarp de’ tenis, Milan, Italy)

My name is Anna. I’m 60 years old and I found myself in that common situation: “Too old to work but too young to retire.” Last year, thanks to Caritas, I met the editorial staff of Scarp de’ tenis.

I was born in Milan, but then spent 15 years away from the city. When I came back, I had difficulty finding a job. For a while I worked in catering for schools. After experiencing many difficulties, now, thanks to Scarp, I feel more at peace.

My most sincere thanks go to the people who buy the magazine because they know that it’s a true gesture of love and solidarity towards others. In particular, I have to thank Mrs. Giorgia of the Pentecost Parish of Quarto Oggiaro in Milan and the parish priest Don Ambrogio. They have always been particularly close to me.

Translation from Italian by Clare Crossan