
INSP Vendor Playlist: Peter Bröckel (Trott-War, Stuttgart, Germany)

MIKI – ‘Krieg dem DFB’

Peter Bröckel was born in Dortmund, but now sells Trott-War in Stuttgart, and is a huge football fan. His allegiances lie with Borussia Dortmund who, at the time of writing, sit top of the Bundesliga table. Uniquely, he has chosen the song ‘Krieg dem DFB!’ by MIKI. He explains why: “This rap deals with bad trends in football. MIKI sings the truth. The DFB – the German Football Association – is all about money instead of football. The DFB are breaking our sport. MIKI is a “Dortmund Boy”, like me. He doesn’t call for violence, but for the fans to wake up.”

Trott-War vendor Peter Bröckel

Listen: Spotify / YouTube

Check out the full playlist here.

Editing by Tony Inglis