
INSP Vendor Playlist: Jörg Peterson (Hinz&Kunzt, Hittfeld, Germany)

Unheilig – ‘Geboren um zu leben’

If you ask Hinz&Kunzt vendor Jörg Peterson – who sells the magazine at an Aldi supermarket in Hittfeld, near Hamburg – about his favourite music group, he won’t take long to come up with the answer: “Unheilig!”, Jörg replies without hesitation. He has become a true fan, since one of their songs was played at his brother’s funeral in 2008. The band manages, through their lyrics, to encourage Jörg.

Hinz&Kunzt vendor Jörg Petersen (Credit: Mauricio Bustamante)

The following lines from the song ‘Geboren um zu leben’ [‘Born to Live’], in particular, mean a lot to him: “We were born to live / just for a moment / when all of us felt that / how precious life is”. To Jörg the message sounds clear: “It’s an ongoing story – no matter what happens.” When he feels down, he reminds himself of this song. “Through the lyrics I gain hope and find the power to walk on and look forward,” he says. “They open up another perspective to me of how to view the world.”

Jörg has already attended two Unheilig concerts. One was on their farewell tour in 2016. “That has to be one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to,” he remembers daydreaming. The solidarity between fans impressed him: “Everyone that goes to one of their concerts, is part of it. Nobody is being left out.”

Listen: Spotify / YouTube

Check out the full playlist here.

Interview by Benjamin Laufer

Editing by Tony Inglis