
INSP Awards: Announcing the 2019 Best News Feature Nominees

We’re delighted to reveal the first set of nominees for the INSP Awards 2019 today, and we’re kicking off with the Top 10 Entries for Best News Feature.

Our Best News Feature Award recognises the best original story, investigative feature, ‘scoop’ or news interview uncovered by a street paper in the last year. The nominated entries demonstrate outstanding journalistic depth and accuracy, as well as original thinking.

Our Awards for Best News Feature and Best Cultural Feature are drawn from contributions to our unique News Service, which allows street papers to share content with their international peers and makes hundreds of articles freely available for republication within the network.

Our top ten, featured below, now go forward to our editorial shortlisting panel, who will choose the five finalists. These will be announced in early June, and the winner will be revealed at the Global Street Paper Summit in Hannover, Germany.

The Nominees:

1. = Oslo / = Norge, Norway

Coffee is served in Roger’s Rwanda
By Even Skyrud

100,000 children became orphans during the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Roger was one of them. One generation later, he is an optimist with high hopes for the future. He explains to =Oslo’s Even Skyrud what pulled the East-African country out of despair: a coffee bean.

2. Faktum, Sweden

Carlos, the survivor
By Julia Pliscovaz

During the military coup in Chile, Carlos saw his family being shot dead. He survived, and flew to Argentina, where he was imprisoned. Amnesty International helped him on to Sweden. After several years of abuse and homelessness, he sells street papers: “Without Faktum, I was dead”.

3. Hinz&Kunzt, Germany

A hunt for clues in Hamburg
By Benjamin Laufer

Olaf S died over a year ago on a park bench close to St Michael’s Church, Hamburg. He was homeless and had braved sleeping out in the elements on a night when the temperature dropped below freezing. Two of his old friends, in collaboration with German street magazine Hinz&Kunzt, try to understand the circumstances of Olaf’s tragic decline.

4. L’Itinéraire, Canada

Chasing the false ideal of the perfect body
By Camille Teste

Nowadays, the pressure to conform to a particular body type and vision of health is intense, thanks to the growth of social media and apps. Social networks, in tandem with brands and magazines, constantly remind us that our bodies, and what we put inside them, are something that we should play close attention to. But what is the cost of the body beautiful?

5. Megaphone, Canada

Last Rights
By Simon Cheung

Dr. Naheed Dosani is among a growing number of health care practitioners working to bring palliative care to those living on the margins. Megaphone spoke with Dosani, and others leading this initiative, as well as the individuals, and their families, it has helped.

6. Spare Change News, USA

The El Paso Chronicles: abrazos, fronteras y fútbol
By Iñaki Estívaliz

Spare Change News is proud to present this series of dispatches from El Paso, Texas written by journalist Iñaki Estívaliz. Originally three separate articles in Spanish, they have been compiled into one long-form read, and translated into English. The stories cover a ‘Hugs not Walls’ event, an interview with the director of the Border Network of Human Rights, and the effect of the World Cup at the border.

7. Surprise, Switzerland

When love melts the polar ice caps
By Conradin Zellweger

Two environmental scientists get married in Brazil and the majority of the guests fly to the wedding from Switzerland. These guests, who lead environmentally conscious lives and are aware of their impact on the globe, chose to fly to Brazil despite the fact that the return flight will double their annual CO2 footprint. This is not an environmentally friendly choice, but is there any other option?

8. The Big Issue Australia, Australia

Home share home
By Anastasia Safioleas

In today’s society, too many people are lonely and too few people have access to affordable housing. In Australia, there is a way to solve both problems with one simple, sweet solution. The Big Issue Australia journeys into the world of home sharing.

9. The Big Issue, UK

This is your brain on homelessness
By Katy Johnston and Hannah Westwater

The UK is a compassionate country…sort of. So why do homeless people fail to fire up our cerebral empathy centres? Turns out we’re hardwired to protect ourselves from hurt but The Big Issue found that we can flick the switch back to kindness if we want to.

10. The Curbside Chronicle, USA

Voter Disenfranchisement v. Crystal Mason
By Nathan Poppe and Whitley O’Connor

As a part of their Mid-term Voter Guide, Oklahoma street paper The Curbside Chronicle included the fascinating, and intricately reported, story of Crystal Mason and the ballot she cast in the 2016 presidential election. Did voting — or a failure of communication — put Crystal Mason behind bars?


For INSP Members, all of these features can be found on the News Service. Don’t forget to keep checking back over the next week as we reveal more nominees in the Editorial categories for the INSP Awards 2019, and use the hashtag #INSPAwards on social media to congratulate our nominees!