
INSP Awards: Announcing the 2018 Best News Feature Finalists

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for… the Finalists in the 2018 INSP Awards are here, and we kick off by announcing the Top 5 Best News Feature entries!

Over the next two weeks we’ll be bringing you the Finalists for all our Awards, as well as revealing the winner of the INSP Special News Service Award, for the most downloaded story from the News Service in the past year.

Our shortlisting panel have narrowed down the Nominees to give us Finalists in each category, who now go forward to the main judging panel to select the winners.

Winners are revealed during a celebratory Awards Ceremony as part of the Global Street Paper Summit in Glasgow, on Wednesday 22 August.

Our Best News Feature Award recognises the best original story, investigative feature, ‘scoop’ or news interview uncovered by a street paper in the last year. You can see which entries were nominated back in June here.

Read on to discover who the shortlisting panel have chosen as our Finalists…

The Finalists:

1. Big Issue North, UK

Parts of the process
By Sophie Haydock

Big Issue North

Without your body parts, who are you? Well, possibly richer – or in jail. In this excellent feature exploring how our physical presence relates to our identity, Sophie Haydock does the sum of her parts.

2. Faktum, Sweden

Me Too founder Tarana Burke: “This is a battle we can win and the achievement will be for the good of mankind”
By Sandra Pandevski


When Tarana Burke was six years old, she was raped by the son of her mother’s best friend. Ten years ago, the activist founded Me Too in order to support young black girls and, in 2017, the hashtag #metoo has become a buzzword around major parts of the world.

3. Faktum, Sweden

Rape: case closed
By Johan Frisk


In Sweden, more and more rapes are being reported to police, but almost all investigations are closed. You can appeal – but is there any point when the number of prosecutions are declining? Out of every thousand rapes, only one leads to a conviction. In this longform, investigative piece, Faktum shows that substandard police work, non-compliance routines and incompetence are some of the reasons. Rape victims are left on their own.

4. Hecho en Bs. As., Argentina

Organic food: a word of mouth revolution
By Vivi Vallejos

Hecho en Bs. As.

More and more people are saying no to supermarkets; no to food with pesticides; no to food that doesn’t respect nature, destroys soil and only really nourishes the monopoly of the agro-food industry. Hecho en Bs. As. discovered a movement in Argentina that insists that eating is a political act.

5. Mi Valedor, Mexico

Xochiquétzal goddesses
By Paula García

Mi Valedor

In Aztec mythology, Xochiquétzal [‘maiden’] is a goddess associated with female sexuality, beauty and fertility. She is also a guardian of young mothers and a supporter of crafts practised by women. Her name is invoked at Casa Xochiquétzal in Mexico City; a hostel that offers support to elderly female sex workers in need.


For INSP Members, all of these features can be found on the News Service. Don’t forget to keep checking back over the next fortnight as we reveal the rest of the Finalists in the INSP Awards 2018, and use the hashtag #INSPAwards on social media to congratulate our Finalists!