
Vendor wishes: “I hope to have more regular customers”

This Christmas Eve, our vendor wishes series is in Göttingen, where we meet TagesSatz vendor Constance. She appeals to the German government to stop allowing homeless people freeze to death on the streets. Read more of our vendor’s wishes here.

By Constance Deckert, 40, who sells TagesSatz in Göttingen, Germany

I hope for good health for me and my two kids in 2017. I hope to have more regular customers, in order to have a more predictable income selling the paper.

I wish the government would support the homeless more and offer help to reduce homelessness. Especially in winter the government should provide flats or at least heated rooms for the homeless in order to keep them from sleeping rough. There should no longer be people freezing to death!

My hope for TagesSatz in the next year is that many reports from our streets should be published and I hope it to be as interesting as it is now. I wish for us vendors to be written about in the paper and to deliver our part in writing articles and handing in pictures.

I´m worried about the presidency of Donald Trump and that the world will change.  I´m afraid that even more women will lose their human rights and will no longer be respected by men.

This time next year, I’d like to be with my boyfriend on an island, not necessary a lonesome island.