
The Covers of March: A round-up of this month’s front pages

Another month is coming to a close, meaning it’s time to reflect on the street paper covers that have been making waves amongst vendors and readers alike during March.

The 2018 INSP Awards are currently open for entries, so if you are from a street paper and would like to submit an entry, you can download the entry information here (be quick – entries close on 1 April) . One of the most hotly-contested awards is for Best Cover – could this year’s winner be amongst the front pages below?

Read on to take a look at March’s highlights…

Cover Highlights:

International Women’s Day took place on March 8th, and the street paper network have embraced some strong female figures as their cover stars this month. Hecho en Bs. As. led with a women’s special, looking at female wage inequality and the feminist struggle in the workplace in Argentina. L’Itinéraire ran with Faktum‘s story about #MeToo founder Tarana Burke. And Iso Numero‘s cover interview is with Yagmur Özberkan, who rose to fame in Finland tweeting about discrimination within Nordea Bank.

March kicked off with the 90th Academy Awards ceremony, and StreetWise celebrated with a special Oscars edition, which saw vendors reviewing the films nominated for Best Picture. The film that won the Best Picture Oscar, The Shape of Water, was captured in an artistic interpretation on the cover of The Big Issue Korea. And award-winning actor Timothy Spall delivered a heartfelt letter to his younger self as the cover star of Big Issue North.

A watery theme emerged from the front pages of this month’s street papers too. Real Change coined the term Fiscal Dehydration, and featured a cover story about the regressive sales tax on bottled water in the state of Washington. Z! explored the murky depths of plastic catching from Dutch waterways. And The Big Issue South Africa flushed out some of the country’s best design inventions, including a smart water device that has saved millions of litres of water in South African schools.

We also welcomed a new street paper to the INSP family this month: De Zelfkrant, based in the Netherlands.

Look back on our covers series here, and keep an eye out for the next round-up of covers coming at the end of April.