Lee: zeitschrift-der-strasse

Our vendors: Pauli (Zeitschrift der Strasse, Bremen, Germany)

Pauli is one of Zeitschrift der Strasse’s original vendors and is recognisable thanks to his trademark FC St. Pauli baseball cap. Here, he looks back on the challenges of his early life and talks candidly about his experience of homelessness. He is feeling hopeful about the future thanks to the companionship of his beloved pet dog, Laika, who inspired him to confront his addictions.

Our vendors: Ronny (Zeitschrift der Strasse, Bremen, Germany)

On a walk around Bremen, Ronny talks about his life and experiences as a Zeitscrift der Strasse vendor. He talks about his past, his work as a vendor and about the two wishes that he hopes to make into a reality. It is vital, he says, to look after yourself so that you can savour the little joys in life.

October global street paper covers get scary

Between Halloween and Trump, there’s a frighteneing vibe on this month’s international street paper covers. Thank god for Street Cat Bob…

Prophets of Rage to Bridget Jones – September street paper supporters

There’s support from big name stars featured on this month’s covers – but also stark reminders of why street papers are so necessary for homeless people.

Olympic fever gripped world’s street papers this August

August’s street paper covers have the Olympic spirit, featuring ‘cuddly lawnmowers’, a homeless wedding, Steven Spielberg, and a cheeky little bit of rickrolling.