Lee: vendormoments2017

Season’s greetings from Megaphone vendors

Vendors from Vancouver, Canada street paper Megaphone share with us their thoughts on the past year, as well as what it’s like working as a street paper vendor around Christmas time.

Vendor moments 2017: “The paper, that helped. I’m really grateful for that”

In the final instalment of our series of vendor profiles looking back on the memorable moments of 2017, Strassenkreuzer vendors Günter and Marco go into detail about how their year went.

Vendor moments 2017: “I succeeded with all the perseverance I have”

Budimir, a Kralji Ulice vendor in Ljubljana, became stateless after becoming a victim of the conflict that led to the break-up of Yugoslavia. He spent the past year fighting for compensation and justice.

Vendor moments 2017: “I try to present myself as humble as possible”

As we approach the end of our look back at 2017, Street Speech vendors in Columbus, Ohio tell us about the importance of family.

Vendor moments 2017: “This has been a year of change in Germany”

In our special series of featured street paper vendors looking back on the year just gone, the idea that 2017 was a turbulent year has been a common theme. In this instalment, three Tagessatz vendors talk about how political change in Germany has affected them.

Vendor moments 2017: “Just every day of 2017 was memorable”

As 2017 draws to a close, we asked vendors across the global street paper network to look back on the highs and lows of their year. Today, Paulette, a Street Roots vendor in Portland, explains that, despite getting on a bit, she is still full of a lust for life.

Vendor moments 2017: “I’m totally in awe of being a vendor nowadays”

In his look back on 2017, The Contributor vendor Maurice talks about what he has learned in the past year that has made him the best vendor he can be.

Vendor moments 2017: “It feels like I moved one step up the stairs”

2017 saw Big Issue Japan vendor Makoto strike up a relationship with his fellow vendors, learn how to cook and become a more well-rounded person.

Vendor moments 2017: “I manage somehow”

Not every vendor’s year has been taken up with seismic, life-changing events. For some, such as Lice v Lice’s Suhamet, 2017 has just been about getting by – from renovating his house, to keeping his family clothed and fed.

Vendor moments 2017: “Let’s not forget our original resolution”

As 2017 draws to a close, we asked vendors across the global street paper network to look back on the highs and lows of their year. Regardless of whether it’s football, photography or calligraphy, Moon Young-soo understands the importance of the beauty in his life this past year.

Vendor moments 2017: “This is my people’s country, this is my country, and I don’t understand why we haven’t got it yet”

Allan, a proud Aboriginal man from Wurundjeri country, and a Big Issue Australia vendor for 21 years, has spent his 2017, as he has most years of his life, fighting for his people and his culture to be properly recognised.

Vendor moments 2017: “You really have to put in the effort”

Street paper vendors across the world come into contact with many different people everyday. Most of the time, those interactions are pleasant, but not everyone automatically treats vendors with the respect and equality they do everyone else. Arno, who sells FiftyFifty in Düsseldorf, describes one such negative experience from this past year.

Vendor moments 2017: The Pirate’s Christmas

‘The Pirate’ has been living on the streets for 17 years. He tells Hus Forbi about his experiences and about his plans for Christmas Eve – which involve a few beers, a bit of strong tobacco and loud techno music.

Vendor moments 2017: “I am no longer afraid”

Gustavo has found himself surprised and impressed with the kindness of the people he meets in his work as a Factor S vendor in Uruguay. 2017 has left him with a greater hope for humanity.

Vendor moments 2017: “There’s too much drama”

As 2017 draws to a close, we asked vendors across the global street paper network to look back on the highs and lows of their year. Dwayne, a Denver Voice vendor, has spent 2017 getting his things in order with the hope of moving off the streets.

Vendor moments 2017: “I am just trying to be myself, keep smiling and be grateful for people’s solidarity”

Shedia vendors Nick and Apostolos had very different experiences in 2017. Nick was moved to write an emotional and well-received piece for the street paper, while Apostolos’ sporting skills were shown off at the Homeless World Cup.

Vendor moments 2017: “At least the job makes me feel like a normal person”

For many street paper vendors, getting the opportunity to sell the paper us a lifeline. For Long-Zhu, Li, in Taiwan, this is no different, and his sales figures for the past year are his proudest achievement of 2017.

Vendor moments 2017: “I am looking forward to pursuing my dreams”

Hristo’s year as a Faktum vendor, and Bulgarian immigrant, has been taken up by his quest to find steady work. Despite the bureaucratic obstacles put in front of him, Hristo remains optimistic.

Vendor moments 2017: “This year was like heaven and hell”

As 2017 draws to a close, we asked vendors across the global street paper network to look back on the highs and lows of their year. Helmut sells Austrian street paper Kupfermuckn and, for him, 2017 has been a year of extreme highs and lows.

Vendor moments 2017: “My heart was filled with pride, I felt heard, grateful and honoured to be part of it all”

Despite struggling with a knee injury, Isaias, a Mi Valedor vendor in Mexico, has had quite an eventful year. Looking back on 2017, he tells us about the moments that made him feel proud as well as what it feels like to become famous!

Vendor moments 2017: “I went through a lot in the past year. That was the challenge and I won. I beat that battle”

Sherika and Brian, from Philadelphia street paper One Step Away, tell us about their year and how selling the paper has had a positive impact on their lives.

Vendor moments 2017: “I have tried to open myself”

Slobodan and Milutin, Liculice vendors in Serbia, talk about love, life and phobias as they reflect on their year.

Vendor moments 2017: “People’s understanding surprises me every day”

Here at INSP, to celebrate Christmas and the end of another year, we’re talking to vendors about how 2017 panned out for them. Carlos, at Portuguese street paper CAIS, has been on the search for a permanent home, and is optimistic about the year to come.

Vendor moments 2017: “I felt like Elvis when he visited the White House”

As 2017 draws to a close, we asked vendors across the global street paper network to look back on the highs and lows of their year and reveal their hopes and aspirations for the next one. First up is Jean-Claude, a L’Itinéraire vendor.