Lee: stuttgart

INSP Vendor Playlist: Peter Bröckel (Trott-War, Stuttgart, Germany)

This year we asked vendors: if you could give a song as a present this Christmas, what would you choose? The result was the INSP Vendor Playlist, which is now available for your listening pleasure. Trott-War vendor Peter chose a song that stands out from the surrounding pack – a rap song about the German football association.

Heidi Honemann has always been the quiet type – Trott-War vendor talks about her childhood

As a child, Trott-War vendor Heidi Honemann considered herself the luckiest child in the world. She had a loving father and mother, and she was happy. She liked going into the garden, painting and doing arts and crafts and, during the holidays, she enjoyed visiting her grandmother in Lower Austria. However, her feeling of being lucky was challenged from a young age, when she realised how different her temperament was to that of other children.