Lee: strassenkreuzer

German street papers call for hotels to house the homeless for the remainder of COVID-19 pandemic

13 German street papers, including INSP members, have banded together to demand that the country’s state and city officials use empty hotels to house those experiencing homelessness amid ongoing restrictions and “stay at home” pleas due to the coronavirus. A petition laying out their concerns has already reached over 2,500 signatures.

New Covers for a New Decade: A round-up of January 2020’s street paper front pages

Each month we bring you a round-up of front pages that have been sold on the streets by our vendors in 35 countries around the world.

#VendorLetters: Straßenkreuzer’s Steve, speaking up for fellow vendors

To mark the end of INSP’s 25th anniversary year, we have been asking vendors across the street paper network to write a letter to their 25-year-old self. Straßenkreuzer vendor Steve reckons his 25-year-old self would be proud of the person he has become.

INSP25: INSP celebrates a quarter of a century with street paper members

INSP has been celebrating its 25th anniversary all year with events and projects, and sharing stories and memories. With more happening this month and towards the end of the year, INSP spoke to members of the network also celebrating the quarter of a century milestone in 2019 about what has changed and what is to come.

Eleven rooms for women in need at Nuremberg’s Haus Sonnenschein

This International Women’s Day, INSP is drawing attention to some articles from street papers which focus on the experiences of homeless and marginalised women. Strassenkrezuer recently featured a story on ‘Haus Sonnenschein’ (‘House of Sunshine’), a shelter for women who have nowhere else to go, and the only one exclusively for women in Nuremberg.

Hello 2019! A round-up of January’s street paper covers from around the world

2019 is well and truly underway, and the new year has brought with it an impressive array of street paper covers to cast the winter blues away!

INSP Vendor Playlist: Georg and Brigitte (Strassenkreuzer, Nuremberg, Germany)

This year we asked vendors: if you could give a song as a present this Christmas, what would you choose? The result was the INSP Vendor Playlist, which is now available for your listening pleasure. Today, we hear Strassenkreuzer vendors Georg and Brigitte on The Velvet Underground and Tony Marshall.

October’s Offerings: A round-up of this month’s street paper covers

It may be Halloween, but we’ll try not to scare you off with this month’s eclectic round up of street paper covers from around the world.

Vendor moments 2017: “The paper, that helped. I’m really grateful for that”

In the final instalment of our series of vendor profiles looking back on the memorable moments of 2017, Strassenkreuzer vendors Günter and Marco go into detail about how their year went.

Vendor wishes: “I’m afraid extremists will become popular again. I hope I am wrong”

As 2016 nears its end, Straßenkreuzer vendor Steve hopes that the new year will be defined by social justice instead of terrorism.

Our vendors: Karlheinz Schnabel (Strassenkreuzer, Nuremburg, Germany)

“Strassenkreuzer is a great magazine and I think it’s terrific that everyone can contribute in their own ways to the success of a social magazine,” says vendor and sales director Karlheinz.

October global street paper covers get scary

Between Halloween and Trump, there’s a frighteneing vibe on this month’s international street paper covers. Thank god for Street Cat Bob…

Olympic fever gripped world’s street papers this August

August’s street paper covers have the Olympic spirit, featuring ‘cuddly lawnmowers’, a homeless wedding, Steven Spielberg, and a cheeky little bit of rickrolling.

“Our job is to combat poverty”: German journalist on the Global Street Paper Summit 2016

The editor of Nuremberg street paper Strassenkreuzer reflects on a whirlwind three days in Athens: “Celebrating this fantastic and inspiring family is a must… even if heads were left spinning, languages were muddled up, nobody could concentrate and there was lots of sleep to catch up on!”