Lee: seoul

Dreaming of a better tomorrow: Big Issue Korea vendor has book published

Sangcheol Im is a Big Issue Korea vendor who, after 18 years of experiencing homelessness, found the itch to write and tell his story. After writing 52 letters, which he gave out to his interested customers, the writings have been collated and published as a book. The Big Issue Korea spoke to him about this journey.

Vendor City Guide: Seoul

In collaboration with The Big Issue, vendors from street papers across the world have been sharing some insider tips on the cities they live and work in, which we are sharing during #VendorWeek. Here, Big Issue Korea vendor Yeong-su Moon talks about Seoul.

INSP Vendor Playlist: Hong-Wu Moon (The Big Issue Korea, Seoul, South Korea)

This year we asked vendors: if you could give a song as a present this Christmas, what would you choose? The result was the INSP Vendor Playlist, which is now available for your listening pleasure. The Big Issue Korea’s Hong-Wu Moon has gone for a traditional Korean folk tune.

Vendor moments 2017: “Let’s not forget our original resolution”

As 2017 draws to a close, we asked vendors across the global street paper network to look back on the highs and lows of their year. Regardless of whether it’s football, photography or calligraphy, Moon Young-soo understands the importance of the beauty in his life this past year.