Lee: nuremberg

Eleven rooms for women in need at Nuremberg’s Haus Sonnenschein

This International Women’s Day, INSP is drawing attention to some articles from street papers which focus on the experiences of homeless and marginalised women. Strassenkrezuer recently featured a story on ‘Haus Sonnenschein’ (‘House of Sunshine’), a shelter for women who have nowhere else to go, and the only one exclusively for women in Nuremberg.

INSP Vendor Playlist: Georg and Brigitte (Strassenkreuzer, Nuremberg, Germany)

This year we asked vendors: if you could give a song as a present this Christmas, what would you choose? The result was the INSP Vendor Playlist, which is now available for your listening pleasure. Today, we hear Strassenkreuzer vendors Georg and Brigitte on The Velvet Underground and Tony Marshall.

Vendor wishes: “I’m afraid extremists will become popular again. I hope I am wrong”

As 2016 nears its end, Straßenkreuzer vendor Steve hopes that the new year will be defined by social justice instead of terrorism.

Our vendors: Karlheinz Schnabel (Strassenkreuzer, Nuremburg, Germany)

“Strassenkreuzer is a great magazine and I think it’s terrific that everyone can contribute in their own ways to the success of a social magazine,” says vendor and sales director Karlheinz.