Lee: melbourne

Suddenly a Ghost Town

From her pitch in Melbourne, The Big Issue Australia’s Mariann B watches the city become deserted, and the streets fall silent as coronavirus forces everyone into lockdown.

Vendor City Guide: Melbourne

The Big Issue has been reaching out to vendors across the street paper network to get the inside scoop on the cities they know best. Here, The Big Issue Australia vendor Mark talks about Melbourne.

Our vendors: Gamal (The Big Issue Australia, Melbourne, Australia)

Gamal grew up in Egypt and came to Melbourne after his brother sponsored his move to Australia in 1987. Here, he reflects on his early life, talks about the challenges that he faced after moving to a new country and acknowledges the difference that being a Big Issue vendor has made to his life.

INSP Vendor Playlist: Sue (The Big Issue, Melbourne, Australia)

This year we asked vendors: if you could give a song as a present this Christmas, what would you choose? The result was the INSP Vendor Playlist, which is now available for your listening pleasure. Sue, who sells The Bis Issue Australia in Melbourne, chose the late Aretha Franklin’s rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’.

Takin’ it to the streets

As the final round of group games comes to a close, street papers across our international network are still in the grip of World Cup fever. Down under, The Big Issue Australia’s Anastasia Safioleas writes about their Community Street Soccer Program, further proving the transformative power of the beautiful game.

Vendor moments 2017: “This is my people’s country, this is my country, and I don’t understand why we haven’t got it yet”

Allan, a proud Aboriginal man from Wurundjeri country, and a Big Issue Australia vendor for 21 years, has spent his 2017, as he has most years of his life, fighting for his people and his culture to be properly recognised.

Our vendors: Allan C (The Big Issue, Melbourne, Australia)

Allan is a long-time vendor who has been selling The Big Issue in Melbourne for 20 years. Here, he talks about his Aboriginal background, struggles with addiction and how his spirits are lifted through the power of song.

Our vendors: Bluey (The Big Issue, Melbourne, Australia)

After surviving an attempt on his life, Bluey developed PTSD. Drug use eventually cost him his career and he became homeless and isolated. Selling The Big Issue has helped him re-engage and secure a roof over his head, as well as enjoy a good book or a movie when his finances allow.

Vendor wishes: “I want my daughter to be able to visit me”

In 2017, Craig aims to get a two-bedroom place so his daughter can come to visit him. She hasn’t been able to in the rooming house he currently lives in.

“Aussie team spirit” for Big Issue’s Socceroos at Homeless World Cup

In the midst of the tournament, we learn how The Big Issue Australia helped seven players bring the infectious “Aussie team spirit” to the Homeless World Cup in Glasgow. The experience has already rendered goalkeeper Shannon “speechless”.