Lee: housing-first

Home is where the art is: How Düsseldorf street paper fiftyfifty turns paintings, prints and photographs into permanent shelter

A unique Housing First effort in Düsseldorf combines art, newspapers and advocacy to pair the unhoused with apartments. The brainchild of the city’s street paper fiftyfifty, revenues from sales of works by famous artists are used to buy apartments for those who need them most.

Should we just give homes to the homeless?

Hus Forbi reports from the 11th European Research Conference on Homelessness in Copenhagen on the relative merits of Housing First and the traditional hostel system for getting people out of homelessness.

“How do you plan to work with homeless people?” Canadian vendors grill Victoria Mayor

In a challenging and revealing interview with Megaphone vendors, Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps pledges to balance the voices of homeless people with property developers – and discloses her favourite way to relax.

How Housing First helped Utah nearly eliminate chronic homelessness

The concept of Housing First sounds either bleeding obvious or bleeding heart, depending on your perspective. But in Utah it’s changing lives – and saving public money.

Canadian street paper vendor urges war on homelessness

“After seven years of being homeless, I can see firsthand why everything is a mess – which inspired me to write this article.” Megaphone vendor Ron McGrath invites us all to solve homelessness together.