Lee: gottingen

INSP Vendor Playlist: Constance and Detlef (Tagessatz, Göttingen, Germany)

This year we asked vendors: if you could give a song as a present this Christmas, what would you choose? The result was the INSP Vendor Playlist, which is now available for your listening pleasure. Two Tagessatz vendors explain why they made their contributions.

Vendor moments 2017: “This has been a year of change in Germany”

In our special series of featured street paper vendors looking back on the year just gone, the idea that 2017 was a turbulent year has been a common theme. In this instalment, three Tagessatz vendors talk about how political change in Germany has affected them.

Vendor wishes: “I hope to have more regular customers”

This Christmas Eve, we meet TagesSatz vendor Constance. She appeals to the German government to stop allowing homeless people freeze to death on the street.