Lee: feantsa

Voting matters in Europe too: An interview with FEANTSA director Freek Spinnewijn

As the European Parliament elections approach this week, Hus Forbi spoke to Freek Spinnewijn, director of FEANTSA, the European organisation fighting to end homelessness. He talks about the importance of the coming vote in relation to tackling homelessness across member states, and why this particular European election matters more than ever.

“No matter how challenging times are, Europe will leave no one behind!” A conversation about tackling homelessness with EU Commissioners Corina Crețu and Marianne Thyssen

This is the first in a series of interviews with European policy makers on homelessness. It is part of a collaboration between INSP (International Network of Street Papers) and the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) in the context of the campaign: ‘Be Fair, Europe – Stand Up for Homeless People.’ This campaign calls on the European Union to boost efforts to end homelessness.

This first instalment is the result of conversations with Commissioner Corina Crețu, whose work revolves around EU regional policy and the urban agenda, and Commissioner Marianne Thyssen, who is responsible for employment, social affairs, skills and labour mobility.