Lee: copenhagen

Vendor City Guide: Copenhagen

In collaboration with The Big Issue, vendors from street papers across the world have been sharing some insider tips on the cities they live and work in, which we are sharing during #VendorWeek. Here, Hus Forbi vendor Csaba talks about Copenhagen.

Hus Forbi vendors experience new Danish anti-homelessness laws banning rough sleeping

After two Hus Forbi vendors were fined and kicked out of the municipality of Copenhagen, the Danish street paper is now raising funds to help their vendors pay fines and legal fees. The anti-homelessness law, which was passed by the Danish government in March, gives police the power to fine and dish out “zone bans” to people found rough sleeping, citing the reason that they have formed “a camp that creates insecurity”. Hus Forbi editor Poul Struve Nielsen explains more.

Should we just give homes to the homeless?

Hus Forbi reports from the 11th European Research Conference on Homelessness in Copenhagen on the relative merits of Housing First and the traditional hostel system for getting people out of homelessness.