Lee: bratislava

Vendor City Guide: Bratislava

The Big Issue has been reaching out to vendors across the street paper network to get the inside scoop on the cities they know best. This instalment features Nota Bene vendor Peter talking about Bratislava.

Slovakian street paper Nota Bene stands in solidarity with Hungarian homeless population

The umbrella organisation of Slovakian street paper Nota Bene organised a sleep out on the streets of Bratislava to show solidarity with those people currently being affected by the drastic anti-homelessness laws passed by the Hungarian government in recent weeks, and urged the Slovakian government not to go down the same path of criminalisation of the homeless community.

Nota Bene: Slovakia’s sole street paper celebrates its 15th year

Slovakia’s only street paper toasted its birthday with staff, vendors and friends. “It’s helped me to survive from day to day,” vendor Silvia said of the paper.