Lee: belgrade

Vesna Avramović: The lessons I have learned from Liceulice

In this letter, Liceulice vendor Vesna Avramović tells a very personal story. She describes the personal changes that working as a vendor have brought into her life. She used to lack the confidence to communicate, was prone to anxiety attacks and was also afraid of all sorts of rejection. In time, these tensions lessened, and she started to find joy in her life and work.

The love that grows by being shared

Bojana Ivanov Ljubomirov and Petar Jugovic are Liceulice vendors who have found happiness together. They were already working as magazine vendors when they met each other, and they have gone from strength to strength since joining forces to sell the magazine together. Not only are they growing in confidence; they are also building a life together and sharing their joy with others.

Serbian street paper Liceulice launches biannual English language magazine, Belgrade Less Ordinary

Serbian street paper Liceulice is launching a sister magazine, published in English, which is billed as an “extraordinary, socially responsible, activist guide for the guests of Belgrade and Serbia”. Belgrade Less Ordinary will be released twice a year with the proceeds going to Liceulice projects and, ultimately, its vendors.

Liceulice vendors write letters to their younger selves

In what has become a go-to style of article across street papers, Serbia’s Liceulice asked its vendors to think about what they would say to themselves when they were young – if they had the opportunity.

INSP Vendor Playlist: David and Svetlana (Liceulice, Belgrade, Serbia)

This year we asked vendors: if you could give a song as a present this Christmas, what would you choose? The result was the INSP Vendor Playlist, which is now available for your listening pleasure. Liculice vendors David and Svetlana offer two very different kinds of song for the playlist.

Vendor moments 2017: “I have tried to open myself”

Slobodan and Milutin, Liculice vendors in Serbia, talk about love, life and phobias as they reflect on their year.

Our vendors: Mirko (Liceulice, Belgrade, Serbia)

A story about Liceulice’s vendor Mirko Ondrik. He talks about his family, how he became a vendor for the magazine, about the new friends he has made and about his hobbies; photography and cooking.

Vendor wishes: “I would like to spend time with my pigeons”

Liceulice has faced challenges this year, but Snezana and Goran tell us the street paper is still essential in Belgrade. They describe their goals for 2017.