Lee: asfalt

Asfalt vendor Kjetil: “You’re too young, too head strong – come on”

To mark the end of INSP’s 25th anniversary year, we have been asking vendors across the street paper network to write a letter to their 25-year-old self. In his letter, Asfalt’s Kjetil tells his 25-year-old self to calm down.

INSP Awards: Introducing the Best Special Edition Award and the 2019 Nominees

We’re introducing two brand new awards as part of the INSP Awards 2019 – the first of which is Best Special Edition. Here’s the Top 10 Nominees…

October global street paper covers get scary

Between Halloween and Trump, there’s a frighteneing vibe on this month’s international street paper covers. Thank god for Street Cat Bob…

Norwegian street papers gather to face challenges together

Norwegian INSP members =Oslo, Megafon, Sorgenfri, Asfalt and KLAR came together to discuss how they will adapt to continue helping vulnerable people.

Prophets of Rage to Bridget Jones – September street paper supporters

There’s support from big name stars featured on this month’s covers – but also stark reminders of why street papers are so necessary for homeless people.