Lee: art

Home is where the art is: How Düsseldorf street paper fiftyfifty turns paintings, prints and photographs into permanent shelter

A unique Housing First effort in Düsseldorf combines art, newspapers and advocacy to pair the unhoused with apartments. The brainchild of the city’s street paper fiftyfifty, revenues from sales of works by famous artists are used to buy apartments for those who need them most.

Second annual ONE Festival of Homeless Arts officially kicks off on World Homeless Day

The ONE Festival of Homeless Arts showcases and celebrates works of art, in a variety of mediums, imagined and created by people who have experienced homelessness. Curated and compiled by artist and campaigner David Tovey, the exhibition at the Diorama Arts Centre kicked off its second instalment on World Homeless Day.

Through the doorway: ex-Big Issue vendor exposes life on the street with striking artwork

With The Doorways Project, artist Bekki Perriman looks back at when she was homeless and selling The Big Issue. Her gripping installation examines what it is like to sleep rough.