Gazeta Uliczna

Poznan, Poland



Street papers respond to conflict in Ukraine – UPDATE: Former Ukrainian street paper The Way Home shares the situation on the ground

As Russia invades Ukraine, it’s anticipated that more than a million people may flee the country to seek refuge in neighbouring nations like Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Street papers in those places respond to the ongoing conflict, standing in solidarity with the Ukrainian people’s right to democracy and in support of all those who may flee.


Street paper Gazeta Uliczna on the women’s protests and the fight for abortion rights in Poland

Poland has some of the strictest abortion laws in Europe, and its current government has made moves to restrict women’s right to choose even further. Patrycja Zenker, editor-in-chief of Poznan street paper Gazeta Uliczna, writes for INSP about why hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets of Poland in protest against the government’s attack on the bodily autonomy of Polish women.


October Omnibus: A spooktacular look at the last month’s covers

The witching hour is upon us, and has conjured up a month of frighteningly good covers to keep the spectres at bay.


“We are a part of something much greater” – INSP summit scholarships enhance street paper movement

INSP scholarships to the Global Street Paper Summit allow emerging street papers to learn from the expertise within the network, and bring new voices to the global conversation.