
INSP Awards: Here’s our Best Cover 2017 Finalists

It’s the moment you’ve been eagerly awaiting – the time has come to announce our 2017 INSP Awards finalists!

We announced the longlists back in June, and this week we are delighted to bring you the finalists in each category, starting today with the visual feast that is the Best Cover category.

Our shortlisting panel have narrowed the top ten down to the final five, listed below, which then went forward to our final judging panel to select the winner.

The winner will be announced at the Global Street Paper Summit in Manchester, in a fortnight’s time.

Check back over the coming days as we unveil more finalists for our other categories in the INSP Awards, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #INSPAwards on social media.

The Finalists:

Liceulice, Serbia

Liceulice. Illustrator: Sanja Stojkov

“With this cover (and the whole issue) we wanted to show how feminist struggle is not some private, only for ourselves, separate niche, but that patriarchy is present massively, capillary distributed throughout society, and that the space for feminist struggle must be in every area of life. Violence against women and girls is still taboo in Serbia, and raising funds for the programs that target this issue is extremely difficult, especially if they question the conservative value system.”

Shedia, Greece

Shedia. Illustration by: Michael Kountouris

“Fortress Europe has built a wall around itself, making it inaccessible even to Santa Claus, who wishes -but fails- to deliver gifts to children. This cartoon by Michael Kountouris, one of the world’s leading cartoonists, is a poignant commentary of Europe’s approach to the refugee crisis. It is a critical approach of the closed borders policies and the stance of the EU but also of many individual countries who fail to serve core European/human values in the face of the adversity experienced by millions of refugees.”

Sorgenfri, Norway

“This cover is drawn by Sylvia Stølan. The article that the cover is taken from is about a trial where the accused raged against the Norwegian official children’s care-institution. In his opinion they had ruined his life by taking his kids away. In the courtroom he threatened loudly the employees of the institution, saying that he would kill them and that the misdeeds of Anders Behring Breivik would be peanuts compared to what he had in mind. Later in the same trial he would claim that this was empty threats, only expressed to make a fuss about his case.

Sylvia has managed to give his aggressive and schizophrenic behaviour a true and vivid image and we felt it would make a strong and visual cover.”

The Big Issue Taiwan

“Human instinct is to exploring the unknown. In this issue we worked with Italian illustrator Davide Bonazzi to create a spacewalker with dog, being inspired by Mars, the Moon and the mysteries that continue to further space exploration. This cover is simple but profound with deep purple colour and mixed media texture, bringing this bold conceptual illustration an imaginative and evocative atmosphere.”

The Contributor, USA

“The Contributor went to both U.S. presidential nominating conventions in August ahead of the presidential elections. Michael Nott’s cover features the politicians who were nominated: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. They’re covered in a distorting grain and red stripes to convey what much of America was thinking: “These two, really?” The red, white and blue, and the star/stripes are an irreverent nod to traditional American politics.”