Pitch a story

Pitching guidelines

Street papers reach a unique worldwide audience of 4.6million socially-aware readers each edition. If you have an idea for a story you’d like to pitch that would be a good fit for street paper publications, here are some things to consider:

INSP itself is a small organisation with no budget for freelancers. However, we would still like to hear from journalists and photographers with good story ideas that would work for a street paper audience. Get in touch by emailing news@insp.ngo

Street papers themselves have limited budgets for freelance work. In some cases, it would be best to contact a street paper directly if your story idea is more localised. To find a street paper that suits, take a look at this list of our members.

Are you a socially-minded organisation with a message for street paper readers? Do you have an idea for an op-ed or opinion piece that covers homelessness, housing, climate change, racial justice or any other social issue that affects those experiencing poverty? Email news@insp.ngo