
A Shower of April Covers: INSP’s latest front page round-up

April has showered us with a flow of fantastic front pages, and we’ve splattered the very best onto this month’s covers round-up.

As we continue to pore over the entries to the 2018 INSP Awards, we were delighted to see Best Cover as hotly-contested as ever, with some incredible entries coming in from street papers all over the world! Will any of this month’s corking covers be contenders for the Awards in 2019? Read on to decide for yourself…

Cover Highlights:

We’ve seen some special occasions being marked across the street paper network this month. StreetWise, The Big Issue (UK) and The Curbside Chronicle all covered the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination, and considered how much progress has been made for civil rights in that time. The Contributor relaunched with a brand new look in magazine format, which we reported on earlier in the month. And Megaphone celebrated their 10th birthday with a special anniversary edition, featuring contributions from staff and vendors past and present.

The animal kingdom continue to rule street paper covers for April, as they did in January too. Asphalt‘s charming cover explored how animals help improve the well-being of ill people. Real Change interviewed author Zack McDermott, who shared how a metaphorical bird on his gorilla-like shoulder helped him to live with his bipolar disorder. And Street Cat Bob returned to the cover of The Big Issue (UK), with a new online cartoon series.

Various modes of transportation have also manoeuvred themselves onto the front pages this month. Surprise took to the air with a cover story looking at long-haul flights and the impact on the environment they have. drobs drove the issue of free public transport, and whether it is a viable prospect or a pipe dream. And Spare Change News took to their feet to cover the March For Our Lives events that took place across America to protest for tighter gun controls.

Look back on our covers series here, and keep an eye out for the next round-up of covers coming at the end of May.